urgent needs - haiti
use of Haitian funds
- Emergency clinics
- Emergency shelter
- Interim housing
- Low-cost housing
- Water systems
how can you help?
The initial devastation in Haiti is being met with enormous global emergency response to provide those affected with basic needs.
Relief, restoration, and recovery of Haiti will be a complex, expensive, and time-consuming process.
The problem is that donor interest will wane and disaster fatigue will commence soon.
We must meet the obligation within Haiti and take the long view of its recovery by creating a concerted and continual flow of donations to sustain the work there.
Please join Daedalus in both an immediate and sustained effort to assist in restoration and recovery in Haiti. Donate now!
Rather than sending money for general purposes, we will concentrate upon identifiable projects—projects that you will be able to find on the map—and know that you are a part. There will be opportunities to volunteer. If interested, contact us.
haitian relief, recovery, and reconstruction
The global outpouring of relief to Haiti is attempting to satisfy the basic requirements of food, water, medical supplies, and temporary shelter in response to the crisis. In that regard, The Daedalus Foundation is cooperating with its affiliate organization, The Daedalus Project, the Lifeline Christian Mission (Haiti), and Doctors Without Borders/Medicines Sans Frontiers (MSF). Beyond those relief efforts, Daedalus intends to continue its support by participating in recovery and restoration of the earthquake-ravaged country. While The Daedalus Foundation focuses upon a range of population-related issues, its efforts in Haiti will concentrate upon meeting near and long-term requirements for structures and water systems.
haiti fund

In the aftermath of the devastating earthquake, The Daedalus Foundation established a fund for Haiti.
The Daedalus Foundation established a separate fund in response to the Haitian earthquake crisis.
The principal purpose of the fund will be to donate structural components and water systems, produced by its affiliate, Daedalus Project, for the assembly of medical facilities and housing--and to meet their requirements for clean water.
shelters and clinics

Daedalus urges contributors to donate for the specific purpose of sending building materials for low-cost housing and water systems.
Rather than donate for general purposes, The Daedalus Foundation will provide affordable shelter and water systems through its affiliates, who are on the ground in Haiti. To donate, click here, or call 1-877-323-3258.
recovery planning

The Daedalus Foundation is among those organizations that is principally focused upon the long-range requirement for re-establishment of community.
All other things aside, recovery and restoration requires the re-creation of community and the promotion of sustainable economic growth. Daedalus' focus also contains elements of social responsibility and environmentally-sound practices.